An application designed to help communication with those with reduced or no verbal skills. Features include:- Easy to use grid system- Add your own folders/nodes to any existing node- Add pictures to nodes/folders you add- Hide or delete existing nodes- Save phrases for later use- Many prefilled nodes and foldersNOTE: The first thing this app does is installs the android text-to-speech engine if it can't be found. At the moment the app requires the TTS stuff, but in the future I'll be making the TTS installation transition nicer and add an option to run the app without it entirely.
I built this app for use with my daughter on the autistic spectrum with very limited speech skills. However, it could easily be used for anyone with the following:- On the autism spectrum- Asperger syndrome- Verbal aphasia
I apologize for the lack of helpful icons, but I don't have the budget to hire an icon designer. However, I did give you the ability to take your own picture and assign it to a node being added.
I'm always looking for suggestions! If you feel there's something that could be done better or a feature that's missing, please email me at
[email protected]! I love interacting with my users and several of my existing apps are suggestions from them. :)